Friday, 7 February 2020

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“Men are from Mars, women are from Venus”, right? While women mostly discuss their problems, needs and expectations, this is not the case for men.
Also, this is due because they’re more insecure in their life, not always knowing exactly what they want.
So basically, a guy won’t ask for anything because he doesn’t even know that he needs it. But, on the other hand, if you “read his mind” and figure out for some present, surprise or just a small everyday thing, he would appreciate even more, because he will also figure out that “Wow, I really needed that”!
Here are the top five that guys would always appreciate and sincerely love, but’ either don’t know it or don’t have the gut to admit it:

When a girl asks for their advice

Men have an overwhelming need to feel they’ve achieved something that matters. To feel useful. To “make the day count”. This doesn’t only regard to their work.
Adding a part of his mind into his partner’s life is also very important to a man. Whether is advice on clothing, what to eat, work related… what matters is that he feels more connected and relevant to his partner. 
On the other hand, men are great at advices because they’re solution-oriented and want to fix things. Also, men are “strict to the point” oriented as well, so getting advice from them would be a really good thing to ask for.

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