All women shall know how to take proper care of her beauty and health, and this does not at all mean that she has to spend a fortune on personal care products.
Vicks VapoRub is a popular remedy which is used by many of us in the case of coughs, colds and this kind of health issues, may in fact be a versatile product that may be used in numerous ways.
We are suggesting you twelve of this uses that will for sure ease your everyday life:
Fresh air
If you want to freshen the air in the room you should add a little bit of this ointment to the room humidifier.
Soften the heels
Put a thin layer of this on your heels and put on socks and then let it act until the next morning. After this, wash your feet and remove the dead skin cells by using a pumice stone. This should be repeated on a daily basis.
Treat headaches
In order to treat your headaches, use this product by applying on the forehead and the temples.
Prevent pet incidents
Put a little of it on the common places in the home where the pet does its business and the strong smell of it will prevent such accidents.
Insect repellant
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