When you feel like it's time to make an important decision, hopefully you confide in your partner so the two of you can discuss it together. This shows that you trust each other, you want to share your lives with one another, and you value each other's opinions. But a grown-ass couple communicates not only when they have serious things to discuss, but also regularly and in an in-depth way, just because they want to check in and know what the other person is thinking and feeling.
11. You Make An Effort To Spend Quality Time Together Even When You're Busy
This is a no-brainer — you won't find a grown-ass couple who doesn't crave each other's company. Margarita Tartakovsky, M.S., associate editor for Psych Central, says a necessary cornerstone to any lasting romantic connection is how much the couple nurtures and tends to their relationship. Regardless of ridiculously busy you are, if you're making time to go on a date or splurge on a weekend getaway, you two are officially grown.