Tuesday, 12 January 2021

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 Although life would be a complete bore if you were an adult in every sense of the word, there is one arena where you should always strive for grown-up status, and that's the relationship with your SO. Nobody wants to deal with a baby of a partner who demands unhealthy amounts of attention, is constantly jealous, and requires constant affirmation about your love for them. You don't have time for that. You're too busy trying to find a way to reincorporate all those '90s trends back into your adult life.

But there's so much research out there on what constitutes a happy couple that it can be overwhelming and confusing. You might be surprised to see what relationships need to make it in the long run; like, apparently, having low expectations at the start is indicative of a lasting foundation. Also, if you're going to get married, don't have an expensive wedding, since they are more likely to lead to divorce.


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