Tuesday, 12 January 2021

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Physical touch is such an important part of showing love for one another. Marlene Wasserman, relationship and sex therapist and author of Cyber Infidelity: The New Seduction, told Glamour that a happy couple will kiss, hug, and caress. All it takes is small gestures, like "ritual greetings at the beginning and end of each day," to reflect how grown-up your love is. If this affection extends out into the public arena, even better.

9. You Fight Right

There are the good fights and the bad ones. You need the former in order for your relationship to survive. Even when you're angry, the couples who have a good chance at making it to the end are the ones who will fight with kindness. Julie Gottman, licensed psychologist and martial expert at The Gottman Institute, tells The Atlantic, "You can throw spears at your partner. Or you can explain why you’re hurt and angry, and that’s the kinder path." If you and your SO hold back on the aggression even when you're mad at each other, pat yourselves on the back. Gottman would probably tell you you're on the right track.

10. You Communicate Well & Regularly


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