Lemon belongs to the group of citrus fruit, which includes orange, tangerine, grapefruit and many others fruit kinds. You can buy lemon in every market, it is cheap and multipurpose. Lemons are especially useful for our health. This yellow fruit contains a lot of high quality vitamin C and other vitamins (vitamin B, riboflavin) and minerals, including potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium. Lemon also contains carbohydrates.lemon and proteins peel is very helpful, because it is rich in vitamin P, and substances capable of destroying microbes. Lemon peel contains essential oils beneficial for normal blood pressure, reduces cholesterol, prevents atherosclerosis, strengthtens the immune system, cures headaches, nausea, fatigue, improves memory and concentration.Lemon And Its Health BenefitsLemon is used since ancient times because of its healing power. Experts recommend its use, because lemon can help lowering blood pressure, disposal of toxins from liver, reduces pain in arthritis, fights infections, prevents flu, fights against diseases of oral cavity and tongue, etc.Lemon is also cure for stomach ache, because of its laxative effect. It also strengthens the immune system. You must drink lemon juice if you have a flu or you’re cold. It will help you in the fight against cold and will also stop infections development. Because of its antibacterial and antiviral properties.The Power of Lemon WaterIt is very simple to prepare lemon water, this happens. All you need to do is mix lemon pulp and juice of half a lemon in warm water and then drink it. Lemon water is be very helpful for your body, i.e. it can detoxify your body.Lemon water improves the ability of cleaning toxins out of your bodyActs as blood “cleaner” and improves the ability of cleaning toxins out of our body. Your skin can not look healthy if your body is full of toxins.
When your body gets rid of toxins, it will first reflect on your skin. Your skin will look clean without any visible acne.Helps with digestive problems– nausea, stomach acid, constipation and parasites and also in digestion.
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