Cabbage contains natural ingredients acting like drugs used in ulcer treatment. The fact that cabbage can help treating ulcer, was proved in the 1950′s, in the attempts of Dr.Garrett Cheney, at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Stafford.
He showed that about 1.1 liter of fresh cabbage juice a day, helps alleviate the pain and treat the gastric(stomach) ulcers,which is successful and better than standard therapies.
One if the benefits cabbage provides strengthening the resistance of stomach mucosa against acid attacks. Cabbage contains gefarnate -compound similar to carbenoxolone, a remedy used in ulcers treatments.
In fact, these compounds stimulate cells form a thin barrier given the role of a shelter, protecting them from acid attacks. Indian Central Drug Research Institute healed guinea pigs suffering from ulcer only by using cabbage juice.
During the treatment, microscopic images of cells experienced extensive changes, proving that cabbage juice speeds up mucus activity which rebuilds damaged cells, leading procedure to full recovery.
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