Monday, 3 February 2020

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Instead of doing 4 sets of lunges and 4 sets of bench press with 2 minute rest, why not try this to reduce your workout time.
Do 1 set of lunges, then 1 set of bench press, rest 1 minutes and rinse and repeat 3 more sets.
As you are working on 2 muscle groups, you can workout on one muscle whilst the other muscle group is resting. Since you are resting rest, the body will be working harder, which in turn boosts your heart rate. And best of all, you are performing the same workout in less time. It’s fun to mix it up a bit, and keep the body working!
Here’s an exercise workout sample
  • Perform lunges and incline dumb bell presses back to back, 4 sets each with a rest period of 60 seconds between sets
  • After the 4 sets, rest 2 minutes before moving onto another 2 alternating exercises
  • Perform straight leg deadlifts and wide grip pull ups presses back to back, 4 sets each with a rest period of 60 seconds between sets
  • Warm down with planks (3 sets), stretch and rest for the day

Circuits Are Effective

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