Tuesday, 12 January 2021

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No grown-ass SO is going to let you do all the vacuuming and household repairs. Those are jobs you share together, or else you're lacking some serious equality in your relationship. In 2007, a Pew Research study showed that household chores were one of the top three most significant things that contributed to a lasting marriage (the other two were faithfulness and good sex). Sixty-two percent of married folks say that even distribution of home duties is a must-have if you want to keep the fire going.

5. You Easily Let Go Of Each Other's Mistakes

If you're confident in your relationship, you're not playing the constant criticism game. You'd rather brush it off when one of you forgets to pick up the dry cleaning or send out your mutual friend's wedding gift. There's so much more to your partnership than these small hiccups, so if you're adult enough, relationship experts say you'll simply rectify the problem and move on with your lives.

6. You Feel Comfortable Taking Solo Vacations


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