In the best relationships, you don’t desire to make that other person your whole life, and they don't want that either. They not only give you the space to maintain your life beyond the relationship, but they make you want to be as wholly yourself as possible. You don't walk away from a weekend together wanting to sink back into them for the rest of eternity. You're grateful to have had the time together, but you're ultimately ready to go live your life now too, knowing you have someone to come home to at the end of the day and tell all about it.
They don't ghost on you unexpectedly
Even if you can’t physically be together at all times (or if you don't want to), you’re never left wondering when you’ll next receive a text or call. You never have to wait any extended period of time to hear from them, and you certainly don't play a game of "who texted last doesn't have to text first." Nope, none of that. Why? Because they care too much about how you're doing and genuinely talking to you than to wait around and see if maybe you'll grace them with the time of day.
You make actual, solid, non-vague plans to hang out
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