Though it's really impossible to say for certain what the one, true, correct way for everyone to be treated in relationships, there are a few guidelines of common decency you can follow if and when you ever find yourself questioning whether or not your relationship situation is normal, healthy, or even tolerable. Often when we fall in love and get swept away by someone, we just as easily sweep the little transgressions and relationship red flags under the rug as well. We blind ourselves to the things that tell us that someone is maybe not fully ready to be in a committed relationship, or lacks the ability to give us what we need. We tend to not heed quiet warnings until they're all but impossible to ignore, and really, that's why we end up in so many painfully wrong relationships: We don't have the foresight to differentiate what's a "challenge" in a relationship from what's actually a sign you're not being treated well.
That said, just as hard as it is to know when you aren't being treated the way you deserve, it's undeniably the easiest thing in the world to recognize when someone is loving you the way you need to be loved. So to save yourself even a little trouble, here are 10 little ways you'll know you're finally being treated the way you deserve, because sometimes what's easier than figuring out if something is wrong is figuring out whether or not it's right.