Monday, 3 February 2020

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Today we will discuss how to prevent joint and knee pain, as well as how to relieve it. If someone experiences knee pain for over a week, there may be a more serious problem than just overuse and they should seek medical attention.
It is also very important to eat a diet that is high in vitamins, bromelain and magnesium.
A smoothie made from cinnamon, pineapple and orange juice is one natural remedy that is highly effective in treating and relieving knee and joint pain.
This smoothie has anti-inflammatory properties, as well as silicon, bromelain, vitamin C and magnesium.
  • Vitamin C is found in pineapple and is especially important to the body’s bones.
  • Pineapple also contains a high amount of bromelain, which is an anti-inflammatory.
  • Cinnamon helps the body’s blood to circulate more effectively.
  • Orange juice also contains vitamin C that can help make ligaments and tendons strong.

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