“You don’t get a more loyal, charming partner than a Leo,” Grossman says. Ruled by the Sun and symbolized by the lion, Leo is the center of attention. In their love life, Leo wears their hearts on their sleeves, and are quite sensitive. Leos also need validation and attention, but Grossman insists a Leo will always be a fun partner that is open to new experiences, adventures, and conversations. “Once you’re in their heart, you’re there to stay,” she adds.
Virgo (August 23-September 22)
“Virgos are super intelligent and extremely witty, so these lovers make great partners for those attracted to language,” Faragher says. Natural perfectionists, Virgos take pride in everything they do, so they are diligent in making sure their partner is happy in the relationship. That being said, “Virgos do have the tendency to nit-pick so they prefer safer, stable relationships than quick summer romances,” Faragher says.