“Aries are ruled by Mars (the planet named after the God of War), so this kind of gives you a sense of the Aries attitude,” Faragher says. “They stop at nothing to get what they want, and are therefore the ultimate crusaders.” In their love lives, an Aries likes to take charge and call the shots — they’re born action-takers. “They also happen to be extremely physical,” she says. “And when they feel hurt or challenged, they aren’t going to brood over it.” The Aries' short temper is evidenced by the fact that they tend to move on quickly.
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
Ruled by Venus, romance is a perfect fit for Taureans. These highly sensual Earth signs are no strangers to luxury. They enjoy fine dining, luxurious baths, and beautiful fabrics. “Love comes naturally to loyal Taureans,” Faragher says. “But these individuals are also known for their hardheadedness.” Once a Taurus has made up their mind, there’s no turning back, so it’s mighty wise to stay on their good side.