Tuesday, 12 January 2021

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It won't do any good to compare your current partners’ kissing to those from your past. While doing so doesn’t make you a bad person at all, it is an unfair way to approach physical intimacies, because we all do things differently and we all enjoy those differences in other ways. Not to mention, it'll take you out of the moment, which will further detract from the kiss.

15. Don't Be Afraid Of PDA

As Americans, we’re not as open when it comes to PDA as our counterparts across the pond or down south. (Have you ever walked the streets of Paris on a nice spring day? Tongues everywhere!)

So maybe we should be a bit more open to the idea of PDA, if only for a brief, thrilling moment. If you and your partner feel comfortable with the idea — like stealing a kiss on a sidewalk — you might realize it only adds to the excitement.

16. Get Passionate


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