Tuesday, 12 January 2021

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You never know when a kiss could happen, so having mints or some sort of minty candy or gum on hand is a great idea. But, let's say for the sake of argument, your roommate stole the last of your minty freshness from your bag. In that case, a lemon is a pretty decent second choice. The citrus can neutralize bad breath. If you're in a restaurant, all you have to do is ask your serve for a slice of lemon, and drop it in your water.

4. Follow Your Partner’s Lead

Now, to get into the actual act of kissing, remember that it’s all about compromise — especially if you and your partner don’t have the same technique. Not everyone kisses the same way, which is why it's often a matter of meeting in the middle. You know, a proper give and take. So, if you notice you have different techniques, try letting your partner lead the way...

5. Or, If Need Be, Lead The Way


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