Tuesday, 12 January 2021

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Passion is everything, especially if you're making out. Remember, a steamy kiss involves your whole body, so you might pull each other in close, let your hands wander, and go for those erogenous zone.

To go one further, let yourself moan, if it feels good. While moaning may be something you save for the bedroom, it will add to the sexiness, and make for an even better kiss.

17. Don’t Fear Being The Initiator

If you want to kiss someone and you know that they want to kiss you, but they’re shy, then ask them if you can go ahead and do it. If you misread their signs and they politely tell you "no, thanks," then apologize.

If it does work out, the fact you're taking control can really set the mood. It shows you're super into the person you're kissing, and the kiss will be much more passionate as a result.

18. Have Regular Make-out Sessions


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