Wednesday, 5 February 2020

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Anal bleeding is not all too uncommon and may not strike you as something remotely related to cancer. Sometimes it is difficult to figure out which area is bleeding. Is it the anus, colon, or the rectum? In the case of bleeding from your anus, the color of the blood is bright red. It is usually easy to identify.
Uncontrollable Bowel Movements
Do not freak out. Yes, this can sound scary but a loss of control over your bowel movement can be a sign of anal cancer. A minor change in bowel movement usually leads to either diarrhea or constipation but you must see a doctor if you cannot control the movement.
Unusual Discharge
If there is any discharge from the anus, like mucus, you should immediately visit a doctor. Yes, it may be the result of a bacterial infection or even fissures. But it does not hurt to take preventive measures. The discharge will be yellowish and have a jelly-like texture.
Swelling And Itchiness

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