Thursday, 6 February 2020

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Great for alleviating the pain, hamstring stretches are quick and easy. Sit down on the ground and while keeping your left leg outstretched bend your right leg from the knee and touch your right foot to the inside of your left thigh. Stretch out your arm and try to touch your left foot while bent at the waist. Stay in this position for about half a minute.
3.Bird-Dog Workout
Aimed at relaxing your back and strengthening your glutes, go down on your all fours just like you did with cat-cow. Then stretch out your left arm and right leg. Keep your back straight at all times. Stay like this for about 10 seconds then repeat using the right arm and left leg. Do this at least fifteen times.

Doing this exercise will ensure that your butt and piriformis are adequately stretched out. Sit up and ensure that your feet are touching. Put your hands on your knees and bend forward from the waist bringing your chest to your legs. Stay in this position for about half a minute.
5.Bathe Your Feet In Vinegar

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